ALLOT is a government-issued scheme, introducing radical changes to daily life to combat the unprecedented overpopulation of cities in 2050, which has made food, water and space scarce. All green spaces have been eradicated as ‘unnecessary’, and been replaced with high-rise tower blocks which accommodate everyone. Residents are responsible for their own food systems – each floor of a block grows different vegetables, which are given to the communal kitchen when ready. Communal eating eradicates the waste of space that private kitchens and dining rooms entail. Individual vegetable patches supplied to the residents double up as furniture for space efficiency. The vegetables themselves are genetically engineered to grow from seed to full size in two weeks, and to grow into cubes – this ensures no space is wasted when stacked, and keeps the produce the same size and weight, preventing competition between the residents.

In collaboration with Ben Hopley and Meg Turvey.